Who Is A Toxic Person? Signs And 10 Tips On How To Deal With Toxic People


Surrounded by toxic people in life? Are you able to identify them as toxic? Toxic people have a huge impact on your mental health and emotional well-being. It’s a sad reality that these kinds of people are everywhere, So learn how to deal with them. 

Have you ever wondered why it’s hard to speak with a few people and you feel drained and exhausted after meeting them even though you’ve spent just a couple of hours chatting with them?  That is because the brain is stressed out communicating and adapting to the new thoughts of the other person. 


You may feel you’re being forced to agree to things that you used to believe were not at fault and your loved ones start to say things like “I feel like you’re changing” or “You’re turning more negative or being ignorant at times” and these all things start after you started spending time with the toxic person.  



A toxic person is not necessarily a psychopath or a sociopath. The word toxic may make us think of it as very cruel, but it is not. Toxicity is a nature where people think differently than normal and behave a bit exasperated.  

A toxic person is someone self-centered, manipulative, and needy for attention. They’re a bit hard to understand as they try to indulge in everything and try to get their way in anything.  

This toxic person can be your family member, a friend, your partner or a stranger you met recently and a point to be noticed is that they are so normal initially and you’ll start to find a difference mostly when your bond starts to grow.  

They are so full of themselves and it’s almost impossible to convince them to understand your point. 


You can find many of these signs in a toxic person and if you do, it’s good if you unfriend or keep a distance from them.

    • It’s always themselves. They don’t care about others’ emotions and always think they need to be everyone’s priority 
    • They act emotionless when others ask for their help. 
    • They love sympathy and will always try to act like a victim even in the smallest things. 
    • They are so manipulative, sometimes you won’t be able to detect when they are on you. 
    • They are judgmental of almost everyone and will feel as though they are perfect in everything they do. 
    • They enjoy humiliating others in public or in front of their peers. 
    • It’s hard to make them trust you even though they’re the closest to you. 
    • They won’t be there when you need them the most but will create a scene if you’re not paying them enough attention. 
    • They are always needy for attention and it’s almost suffocating. 
    • The time you spend with them even though it’s less you feel exhausted and crampy for the rest of the day. They emotionally drain you. 



  1. Observe their behavior closely and understand how you feel about them:  Never be so quick to judge. Take your time to observe the person you feel is toxic and try to understand how you feel around them. Whether you’re comfortable with their company? Are they commanding you? How they’re treating others around them?  
  2. Set boundaries: Establish boundaries even though you feel guilty about it. For some the toxic people may be their parents and it’s hard to make them understand your choices. But still, you need to be strict about the boundaries and let them be aware of it as it’s your life to live and your mental health is your foremost priority. 
  3. Open up how you feel around them: Let the person know how you feel around them, even though it seems like you’re being harsh by pointing out their behavior you still need to take a stand to protect yourself.  
  4. Cut things off with them smoothly- remain as calm as possible: When you decide to call them out for what they are it may lead to a commotion but stand your ground and maintain your peace until you get out of the zone. Do not try to react much as it might trigger the person more.  
  5. Physically distance from that person: Limit the time you spend with that person. Try to be unreachable and distant when they approach you. You will gradually get habituated and start to become yourself again. 
  6. Don’t try to get personal: Keep your emotions at bay. The person may be your beloved one but still remember they are not going to change and it’s not worth keeping your mental health at stake for their attention as that person can never get as emotionally attached to you as you get to them.  
  7. Stay out of the drama: After you start distancing from them, they try to get your attention even through the meanest ways. It is highly suggested to stay out of the drama by not acting either verbally or physically to avoid escalating things into something serious. 
  8. Create a support system outside the group: Make sure you are surrounded by the people who care for you at such times. This process will emotionally drain you, and it’s recommended to let your beloved know the things going on in your life to have moral support to prevent your fall.  
  9. Don’t expect them to change: Change is one thing you can’t expect from a toxic person. A person with a toxic mindset finds it hard to accept reality and always wants to live in a fantasized world that is filled with negative thoughts and a perfect- attitude.  It is not so easy to change them with just your words.  
  10. Stay positive and yourself: Take time to rethink the things that happened and spare more time to reflect on yourself, to get yourself back to normal or as before. Even though you may not notice much, staying long with toxic people will eventually bring changes in our way of thinking and our views. So, take a break from everything to think about yourself and refit yourself. 



Remember, in this journey of life, you’ll meet millions of people. Those with a negative mindset may seem to outnumber the positive ones, making it impossible to be perfect all the time. Therefore, it’s better to accept the behavior of all individuals and strive to be less impacted by them. At last, it’s all about moving on.  

 Good luck! 


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